LUCKY COLOURS SALE: Receive 25% Off  all PERMASET Inks & PERMACRYLIK Paints in Red, Yellow, Green, Blue & Gold colours ONLY, in February, when you use the code LUCKY

PERMASET Inks are designed to print on textiles and are not well suited to printing on plastics for two main reasons. First, they need to be heat set to achieve any degree of permanence and most plastics are heat sensitive, making this problematic. Second, they are based on a soft polymer, so even when cured, they are likely to exhibit poor abrasion resistance on plastic. You can print on plastics with PERMASET inks, but should not expect the print to last for any length of time if exposed to any abrasion. 

For those wanting to screen print on plastics with a water-based ink, we would normally steer people to PERMAPRINT Premium (PPP). This has been used successfully on a range of plastics. For softer synthetic and heat sensitive substrates, e.g. non-woven tote bags or spun bonded non-woven cloths, PERMAPRINT Hybrid would be the product of choice. Both of these can be air dried. PPP has much better abrasions resistance and can be printed with finer detail whilst PERMAPRINT Hybrid is more flexible and generally has better opacity.