Yes, water-based inks can be mixed together to create new colours, just like traditional artist paints. Particularly in the Education space, the teaching resources, Reductions of PERMASET AQUA and Using the PERMASET Colour Wheel are invaluable as an introduction to colour mixing. They contain well thought out information presented very accessibly to help your students get off to a flying start without wasting hours of class time together with buckets and buckets of ink, all the wrong shade and usually brown.

Mixing water-based inks allows for a wide range of colour options and can be a cost-effective way to achieve specific shades without having to purchase additional ink colours.

When mixing water-based inks, it’s important to use clean mixing containers and imperative to mix the inks thoroughly to ensure the new colour is consistent throughout the mixture; thus transparent or semi-transparent containers are recommended. Finally, it is recommended that the mix formula, operator details and date are all recorded on the outside of the container and that the lid be tightly sealed after use.

It’s important to keep in mind that water-based inks can be sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity and prolonged exposure to air. This means that it’s best to mix only what is needed for the print job to prevent waste and potential colour inconsistencies.