Given reduced budgets of both time and money, many students come to courses with little exposure to colour theory and consequently learn during prac time by trial and error, wasting a lot of time and a lot of ink (how many litres of various browns have you had to discard?) 

With the above in mind, PERMASET and PERMATONE Inks come supported with some excellent teaching resources. These include: 

  1. 2 e-books of Reductions for each of the standard PERMASET and PERMATONE Ink ranges showing how to do more with less, 
  1. A Case Study, “Working With Colour” (Parts I and II) and 
  1. A Poster for display in the work space for teaching colour harmonies and based on the theory set out in 2) above.  

They are also invaluable teaching resources, providing students with a solid platform based on sound theory from which to innovate more confidently and more productively.